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Odisha Jail Warder Recruitment 2022 - Apply Online For 403 Post

Odisha Jail Warder Recruitment 2022 Apply Online For 403 Post- Odisha Prison Requirment Board recently invited to apply for Jail Warder post 2022. Apply online for the vacancy of 403 post. All eligible candidates who are interested for this post can read all the notifications in OPRB official website i.e odisha Jail Warder.gov.in requirment 2022. Before applying this all are carefully read the instructions which mentioned below 

Odisha Jail Warder recruitment 2022

So friends don't waste your time let's check out the procedure of application form. Post of Odisha Jail Warder gives opportunity for the unemployed candidates who able to get the job. Don't waste your time now go for apply. This is one of the best opportunity to get a job under Odisha Prison Requirment Board department.

Odiaha Jail Warder requirment 2022 Notifications

OPRB given us golden opportunity to apply Odisha Jail Warder department. In many times candidates awaited for this opportunity. Before apply this post let's discuss about it's Eligibility criteria like age limit, selection process, educational qualification, salary, Syllabus, vacancy details, important notes , important dates required documents etc. If you interested for this job so let's follow the Eligibility criteria.

OPRB Jail Warder requirment 2022 Details

* Organization name - OPRB ( Odisha Prison Requirment Board)

* Type of job -  Permanent

* Category - Odisha Government job 

* Name of the Post - Jail Warder 

* Application mode - Online 

* Who can apply - All Odisha candidates

* Place of posting - All Odisha 

* Last Date - 13th November 2022

*Gender - Both Male and Female 

Odisha Jail Warder  requirment 2022 Eligibility criteria 

Educational qualification 

Minimum educational education qualification for Odisha collector office recruitment is 12th standard from a recognised board or university.

Vacancy Details

The category-wise and Circle-wise breakup of the total no.of posts to be filled up by this recruitment is as follows: 

Name of the Circle Jail & Post to be filled up Special category 
(out of total post) 

1. Baripada -   65 vacancy 

UR (male) - 47         (female ) - 02
SC (male) -  03         (female ) - 03
ST (male) -  10          ( female) - 0
SEBC (male) - 0        ( female) - 0

2. Berhampur - 102 vacancy 

UR (male) -  62        (female ) - 01
SC (male) -   17        (female ) - 02
ST (male) -     20       ( female) - 0
SEBC (male) -   0     ( female) - 0

3. Sambalpur - 82 vacancy 

UR (male) -  42        (female ) - 05
SC (male) -    10     (female ) - 01
ST (male) -     24      ( female) - 0
SEBC (male) -   0    ( female) - 0

4. Koraput - 60 vacancy 

UR (male) - 51  (female ) - 04
SC (male) -   0        (female ) - 0
ST (male) -     0        ( female) - 0
SEBC (male) -  05      ( female) - 0

5. Cuttack - 94 vacancy 

UR (male) - 59   (female ) - 05
SC (male) -   14        (female ) - 0
ST (male) -     15       ( female) - 1
SEBC (male) -  0        ( female) - 0

For UR total - 261 (male), (felame) - 17
For SC total - 44 (male), (female) - 6
For ST total - 69(male), (female) - 01
For SEBC total - 05 (male), (female) - 0

Special category (out of total post)

1. Baripada

Ex- service man - 2
Sports man- 1
Home guard - 7

2. Berhampur 

Ex- service man - 3
Sports man- 1
Home guard - 10

3. Sambalpur

Ex- service man - 2
Sports man- 1
Home guard - 8

4. Koraput

Ex- service man - 2
Sports man- 0
Home guard - 6

5. Cuttack

Ex- service man - 3
Sports man- 1
Home guard - 9


Ex- service man - 12
Sports man- 4
Home guard - 40

Age Limit

As on 1st January 2022 Candidates must have

  • Minimum Age- 18 Years
  • Maximum Age-  25Years
  • Age Relaxation- As per government Rules.

  • For OBC Students- 03 Years
  • For ST/SC/PWD- 05 Years
  • For Ex- Serviceman- 05 years
  • For PWD+SC/ST- 15 Years
  • For more information 
  • please visit it's official website.

Application Fees

◆ For General Candidates : free

◆ For EWS  Candidates : free

◆ For OBC Candidates : free

◆ For phd Candidates : free

◆ For SC / ST Candidates : No Fees for All

◆ For more information please visit it's official website.

Important dates 

  •  Apply Start Date - 14/10/2022
  •  Apply Last Date of submission - 13     November 2022
  • Admit card - Available soon 
  • Exam date -Available soon


Jail Warder Written Exam Pattern

1. Stages of the examinationComputer
Based Recruitment Examination(CBRE)

2. PaperGeneral English,
Odia language,
General Studies
Including Computer

3. Duration - 120 minutes 

4. Marks - 100 marks

5. Type of testObjective type with MCQ type. Each correct answer will carry 1mark. There will be negative marking@
0.25 marks for each wrong answer. No marks will be awarded or deducted if any questions left unattempted.


Normalisation: Depending on the number of applicants, the CBRE may be held in multiple shifts and on a number of days. In all shifts/days, questions will be of same standard and normalisation will be done to adjust the difficulty level across different shifts of the exam.

Odisha Jail Warder Recruitment Syllabus Details

1.1 Paper-I(100marks):General English, Odia Language, General Studies, Computer & IT
The pattern of questions will be in 12th/ +2standard;

a) General English
i) Comprehension of a given passage
ii) Usage and vocabulary
iii) Translation from Odia to English.
iv) Questions to test the knowledge of grammar.

b) Odia Language
i) Comprehension of a given passage.
ii) Usage and vocabulary.
iii) Translation from English to Odia.
iv) Questions to test the knowledge of grammar.

c) General Studies

i. The nature and standard of questions will be such that a well-educated person should be able to answer them without having specialized study of the concerned subjects. The questions shall test general awareness of the candidates of a number of subjects covering various fields of knowledge as expected from any +2 Candidate. The questions shall be in English Language except Odia Portion.

ii. The paper on General Studies will include questions covering the following fields of knowledge:

a) General science and recent scientific/ technological developments:

Questions will test the candidate’s awareness in the field of science and technology including matters of everyday observations and experience.

b) Current events of national and international importance:   

Questions shall be to test the knowledge of significant national and international events and of the topics of social relevance in the present day India.

c) History of India from ancient times and Indian National Movement: 

 Emphasis will neon testing the general understanding of social, economic and political aspects of the Indian History. Questions on Indian National Movement will relate to the nature &character of the nineteenth century resurgence growth of Nationalism, attainment of Independence and role o leading personalities inthe freedom movement.

d) Indian and World Geography:

Emphasis shall be on testing of the general understanding of social, economic & political aspects of India History. Questions on Indian National movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence.

e) Indian polity and economy : 

Questions Indian polity and economy shall be on political system, Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj administration, principal features and characteristics of Indian economy, planning and economic development of India.

f) Mental ability and test of reasoning.
g) Numerical ability test and arithmetic of H.S.C.standard.
h) Computer Fundamentals & IT Skills.

Measurement of Physical Standards & Physical Efficiency Test(Qualifying):

Physical standard measurements


For UR & SEBC ( male)

Height -168cm

Weight - 55kg

Chest - unexpanded 79cm & expanded 84cm

For UR & SEBC ( female)

Height -158cm

Weight - 47.5 kg

Chest - -

For SC/ST (male)

Height -163cm

Weight - 50kg

Chest - unexpanded 76cm & expanded 81cm

For SC/ST (female)

Height -153cm

Weight - 45kg

Chest -   --

Physical Efficiency test Qualifing 


1. Male (all categories)
2. Events - Running 1.6kms & Long jump 3.66 meters

3. Time /Attempt  - 7 minutes / 03 attempts 


1. Female ale (all categories)
2. Events - Running 1.6kms & Long jump 2.75 meters 

3. Time /Attempt  - 9 minutes / 03 attempts 

a) Any grievance complaint during the course of the Physical Standards Measurement and Physical Efficiency Test should be brought to the notice of the Chairman of the OPRB instantly on the very day before completion of the Test and the 
decision of the Chairman of the OPRB in this regard shall be final and binding. 

b) Candidates should appear in the Physical Test at their own risk. The OPRB 
will not take any responsibility nor will accept any liability for any injury, damage 
or any type of loss that may accurate candidate during the course of the Physical Test.

Candidates should satisfy themselves that they are physically and mentallyfit to 
undertake the Physical Test and submit a declaration as per Annexure – 

see before under taking the Physical Test. 

Marks for NCC Certificate:

These marks shall rewarded after diversification 
original certificates as below;NCC‘B’Certificate: 01Mark 


B. Place and Date of Computer Based Recruitment Examination(CBRE): 
The specific  date/time/venue of the CBRE,Physical Standards Measurements and Physical Efficiency Test will be conveyed due course through the link https://prisons.odisha.gov.in/.An alert message will also be sent to candidates on their registered email id /mobile number. Candidates, after applying for the post,are advised to visir the link given above to know further updates about the examination,as and when uploaded. Adequate measures will be taken to conduct the Computer 
Based Recruitment Examination (CBRE) at examination centres, as per the choices 
preferred by the candidate according to the concerned Prison Circle and the Examination centre located in it’s jurisdiction. However, the OPRB reserves the right to fix the Examination Centres as per its discretion. No request for change of Examination Centres 
will be entertained.

Selection process 

Following the Physical Efficiency Test, a common merit list shall be prepared basing on the sum total of marks secured by the candidates Computers
(CBRE) and weightage marks in NCC certificate. The candidates shall be selected as per Circle wise pertaining to vacancy mentioned categoriesinorderofmerit. Theresultswillbepublishedinduecourseonthelinkhttps://prisons.odis
ha.gov.in/ Incase where more than one  applicant secures equal aggregate marks at any stage of examination,the will  be resolved by applying the following methods one after another: 

a) Date  of birth,with older candidates placed higher.

b) Alphabetical  order of the names of the candidates.

• Written Exam

• Physical Standard test

• Medical

Odisha Jail Warder Recruitment Salary 

The appointment will be as Initial Appointee carrying a consolidated remuneration of 
Rs.13,300/- per month (for 1st year) 
enhanced as per Fit mat No.28621/dated.27.10.2021 on completion each year of service subject to satisfactory performance. The tenure of Initial Appointee shall be for the period of 6 Years from the date of his/her joining. Thereafter, they will be eligible to get their salary in the Scale of Pay Rs.19900/- to 63200 as per ORSP Rules,2017

• 19,900 to 63,200 per month

The details of Prison Circles of Odisha are as follows:- 

Name of the Recruitment circle &              District coming under the jurisdiction 

1. Choudwar Circle - Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Kendrapara, Angul, Dhenkanal, Jajpur. 

2. Berhampur Circle - Khurda, Puri, Nayagarh , Gajapati, Boudh, Kandhamal , Ganjam 

3. Sambalpur Circle - Sambalpur, Jharsuguda, Sundargarh, Baragarh, Deogarh, Bolangir, Subarna pur 

4. Baripada Circle - Mayurbhanj, Balasore, Bhadrak, Keonjhar

5. Koraput Circle - Koraput, Rayagada, Malkangiri, Navarang pur, Kalahandi, Nua para 

OPRB Jail Warder requirment 2022 important documents 

1. Qualification certificate mentioned above i.e

2. Certificate indicating  the  date of birth (SSLC/HSC)

3. Two recent passport size photo 

4. Internship certificate 

5. Registration certificate 

6. Caste certificate 

7. If any experience certificate

 Odisha Jail Warder requirment 2022 important notes

Application form will not enter if it is incomplete/ Belated it to be rejected. So Application form must reach before the last date.If due date is completed then your for will not allowed by the authority. So be carefully apply the form before the last date before 03 November 2022.


Odisha Jail Warder requirment 2022 apply online process

1. Firstly you visit the official website.

2.Candidates carefully read all notifications before apply this job.

3.If it is a online vacancy then find OPRB  requirment section & click on it.

4.Now register yourself by the portal giving your mobile number & Email address.

5.Upload your  passport size photo & signature after registration successfully.

6. No fees to pay for this form.

7.If it is a offline application then full your form carefully & Attach your  all Documents,like resume, qualification certificate, experience certificate, E-mail ID & mobile no.

8.Then send it to  by the given address by speed post/ register posts or by courier under  10th October 2022.

9.Now you can wait & watch on the website for updating interview date.

10. Date & Time will update to given by your resume  E-mail ID or mobile number.


● Apply OnlineClick Here


● Download Notification PDF : Click Here